Friday, February 29, 2008

Fall Out Boy Covers Thriller

Fall Out Boy's cover of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" can be heard here. The song will be featured on their upcoming DVD release, **** Live In Phoenix. What do you think about it?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Vampire Weekend Untitled Song

In the setlist for the Vampire Weekend show I attended a few weeks ago, you may have noticed that they played an untitled song. As far as I know, the song still lacks a title, but after looking around YouTube, I wanted to post a video of it (granted, it was at a different show, but still the same song). The recording is pretty bass heavy, but what can you expect from a camera being held up in the middle of a concert.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Paper Covers Rock, Live at the Beat Kitchen

These videos I found are much better than the ones that I took. Enjoy!

American Taxi Concert 2.15.08

At long last, I had the pleasure of seeing American Taxi in concert. What a great show it was. Before hand, I was looking forward to 2 things: 1. The breakdown immediately after Adam sings "the second you drop!" 2. The bridge on "Paper Covers Rock." I am happy to report that both of these concert moments were incredible, but I'd also like to give a rundown of the rest of the show.

I got to the concert just before The Young Sea went on. Seeing them was an added bonus as I really dig their song "Ghost White." Unfortunately though, that's really the only song by them that I care for. They did put on a good show (their drummer is amazing), but I don't think there's any way to describe their guitar riffs without using the word 'meandering.' After playing a set that was about 4 songs long but lasted for probably half an hour, it was time for American Taxi.

After a quick equipment change (which involved a garbage can, 2 kegs, and a wrench being put on stage), it was time for American Taxi. I turned to my friend, and we debated what song that they would open with (always a good way to pass the time while you wait for the band to go on). As good as I believe I am at this game though, I did not think to guess 'Ain't To Proud To Beg' as the opener. It was an awesome start to the show.

Another highlight was during "Maps And Medicine" when Adam and Jason did their best Stomp impersonation and played the kegs and garbage can with a wrench and drumsticks. Although I have never seen this done at a show before, it will now be something I expect to see at all future concerts I attend (including Kanye).

It was a great show overall. The band was fun to watch, were great interacting with the crowd, and really put on a good rock show. I really can't wait for these guys to make it big.

The setlist went a little something like this:

aint to proud to beg-->
shake, rattle and stall
maps and medicine
paper covers rock
new song
tanner boyle
champaign toast
the mistake
dead street

Expect pictures and video of the new song in the near future. I'm out for now

Monday, February 18, 2008

Vampire Weekend 2.12.08

Before Tuesday I was completely unfamiliar with Vampire Weekend. I bought a ticket to go see them on a whim. Figured it would be something fun to do on a Tuesday night. Turns out it was one of the best concert ticket purchases I had ever made. Not just because they put on a great show (I didn't know any of their songs but was still bouncing around like I did), but because it introduced me to one of my new favorite bands. Their CD has been on repeat ever since. It's hard to describe their music, but if I had to generalize, I'd say it's like the Arctic Monkeys, except happy.....and good. If you haven't heard of this band yet, make it a priority to check them out (Mansford Roof, Cape Cod Kwasa Kwasa, and A Punk are all great).

Set List:

1. Mansard Roof
2. Campus
3. Cape Cod Kwasa Kwasa
4. Bryn
5. Ladies of Cambridge
6. M-79
7. A Punk
8. One (Blakes Got A New Face)
9. I Stand Corrected
10. The Kids Don’t Stand A Chance
11. (a new untitled song)
12. Oxford Comma
13. Walcot

Monday, February 11, 2008

It Would Be In Good Taste To Stop The Music

Congrats to my favorite asshole. Those shades are amazing, the vest is even cooler. Even cooler than that? He wore the vest all night. Get me that stuff. You have to admit it was pretty touching when he played 'Hey Mama.' Definitely a guy I'd like to see in concert (headlining Bonaroo this year, perhaps I'll make it down for that, definitely would like to see how cream of the crop hippies react to his music).

Sidenote: Daft Punk is number 1 on my concerts to see list.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Just Got My Tickets!

Going to my first American Taxi show this Saturday! Very excited to see them, as well as The Young Sea (who's CD is pretty good) and Last Fast Action (who I wish would have just stuck to playing Hey Luv). Expect a review soon.

I Want This

I want this....where does it come from? Also, this dancing yellow blob has excellent taste in music.

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